From my house to Bagel & Blenders is exactly ten miles and it is shortest long walk I do. I figure I need to do at least ten miles every Sunday at least.
Today just past Yokuts Park, I saw Golden Valley's speedy Daymon Sandles running with friend on a bike and he was moving along. Sandles is always dangerous in any race he is in not only because he is a talented runner but he is also very agressive.
Not only does he run an agressive pace, he also throws a lot of elbows and/or bumps into other athletes quite a bit. If he improves like he has in the past, he may not have anyone to bang into any more.
Since I left a little late, I did not have to be subjected to the super rude clerk at Albertson. Every Sunday, I stop there to but a drink and this older blonde lady is so unpleasant plus they overcharge for everything at that place. What I really hate is that they make me use their stupid self serve register that takes twice as long as just using the clerk.
Today, the Rite Aid or whatever it is called was open and I bought my drink and then headed over to get a bagel or two. It was nice seeing Lauri Taylor there with other BTC officiers. They do such a great job of running races.
Then I was heading back home and it was pretty uneventful except for the six muslim women running and walking near the Truxton volleyball courts. A couple of them were moving along pretty good despite being covered from head to foot.
Now I am watching the US Open Golf Tour and playing in a quarter of a million dollar poker tour. Tonight at 6:30, Christopher and I will be doing another long run/walk on the Panorama Bluffs if anyone is interested in Joining us.